Sunday, November 13, 2022

esee banking

We come accross many scams and heads roll but scam remains and heads roll back! One thing is sure that without sacrifice none can taste the fruit of victory. But most of times it is some few sacrifice and many enjoy. War heros and jawans loose their life and sacrifice the for the mass of Nation and its pride. Nation gets the benefit out of their sacrifice.
What is the benefits of scam? It is only for few individuals. Entire Nation despite the so called change of leadership or roll back games it is the sacrifice of people of Nation that very few intelligent and lucky individuals enjoy the fruit. That is difference.
How the people of Nation sacrifice?
First the scam takes place taking the prime area of cake. Then the few scamesters and beneficiaries share it. May be politicians, government servants or other retired officials. No one from public is given any opportunity even to get smell of the preparation of the cake. I could see the building coming up 31 floors in Colaba but no reports came till Occupation Certificates issued! Why? Becasue  everyone new that this is happening arround Mumbai and will continue to happen very now and then.
If the building is demolished then it is National waste. Our productivity and material will be lost.
Who will bear the cost of demolishing?  Now the change of Leadershp cost the Govcernment. Whose money? Cost of enquiries will be added at various Goverment departments and agencies. Whose money? Collectors, Public Servants or other leaders will be free because even Judges or Committe members are not more human beings. All expenses are out of tax payers money or public money!
The benefit again for few more individuals mostly renowned retired officials and once upon a time scamesters themselves!
Public money will be spent more than the loss to the Government on this scam by way of change of leaderships, treansfers, Enquiry Commissions, Judicial time and finally the scamsters will continue to enjoy with the few more benefiaries of this episode.
So Nation and Public must be prepared for more Sacrifice by way paying more tax for un productive purpose and for the benfit of members of Adharsh Society in Colaba.
Be prepared for "More Adharsh Sacrifice' by public for the benefit of few individuals!

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